ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation

Is this a Certification Course? This is not a certification course but you can take the exam to obtain a course completion certificate. Examination fees are included in the price of the training course.

Delivery Model: Self-Study

Exam Duration: 1 hour

Retake Exam: You can retake the exam once within one year

Price: US$ 365 / CAD$ 495

Please note that we are not authorized to sell to candidates in France at this time.
Orders from France will be refunded.

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Why should you attend?

ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation training allows you to learn the basic elements to implement and manage an Information Security Management System as specified in ISO/IEC 27001. During this training course, you will be able to understand the different modules of ISMS, including ISMS policy, procedures, performance measurements, management commitment, internal audit, management review and continual improvement.


After completing this course, you can sit for the exam and apply for the “PECB Certificate Holder in ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation” credential. A PECB Foundation Certificate shows that you have understood the fundamental methodologies, requirements, framework and management approach.

Who should attend?

Managers and consultants seeking to know more about information security

Professionals wishing to get acquainted with ISO/IEC 27001 requirements for an ISMS

Individuals engaged in or responsible for information security activities in their organization

Individuals wishing to pursue a career in information security

Learning objectives

Describe the main information security management concepts, principles, and definitions

Explain the main ISO/IEC 27001 requirements for an information security management system (ISMS)

Identify approaches, methods, and techniques used for the implementation and management of an ISMS

Educational approach

Lecture sessions are illustrated with practical questions and examples

Practical exercises include examples and discussions

Practice tests are similar to the Certificate Exam




The “PECB ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation” exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Programme (ECP). The exam covers the following competency domains:

Domain 1: Fundamental principles and concepts of an Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Domain 2: Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Certificate requirements

First, a candidate needs to complete the PECB ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation training course. Then, they need to take the exam and after successfully passing the exam, candidates will be able to apply for the “PECB Certificate Holder in ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation” certificate. This is an entry-level credential.

There are no prerequisites on professional or management system project experience required. Thus, following the training course, passing the exam and applying for the certificate are the only certificate program requisites that certificate holders shall meet before obtaining the certificate.



SafeShield provides security training and certification in partnership with PECB.

PECB is a certification body which provides education, certification and certificate programs for individuals on a wide range of disciplines, accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB).

Price: US$ 365 / CAD$ 495

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