Managed Security Services

Ensure that your company's technology infrastructure is secure and resilient against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Safeshield will work with you to assess your current security posture, identify any gaps or deficiencies, and develop a plan for the deployment of appropriate security technologies and the configuration of security controls.

Identity Access Management

Enhance data security and reduce the risk of data breaches by ensuring that only authorized personnel has access to sensitive information.

Attach Surface Management (ASM)

External cybersecurity testing and monitoring helps identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities that could compromise customer data and threaten your business.

Security Assessment & Vulnerability Scanning

Identify vulnerabilities in your systems and applications, take proactive steps to mitigate those vulnerabilities, and reduce the risk of exploitation by attackers.

Compliance Management & Continuous Monitoring

Identify and address compliance issues in real-time, reduce the risk of non-compliance and avoid potential penalties.

Data Privacy Vault

Implementing a Data Privacy Vault to protect personally identifiable information (PII) can ensure regulatory compliance, safeguard sensitive data, and increase customer trust by demonstrating a commitment to protecting their privacy.

Network Security and Privacy

Reduce the risk of data breaches and protect sensitive information, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your network resources.

Penetration Testing

Simulate real-world attacks on your systems and applications, identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers, and take proactive steps to mitigate risks.

Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence provides real-time insights, enhances threat detection capabilities, informs proactive defense strategies, and mitigates cyber risks effectively.

Security Awareness & Training

Security awareness and training educate employees, instill best practices, mitigate human errors, and cultivate a security-conscious culture, enhancing overall resilience.

Cloud Security

Cloud security safeguards cloud computing environments, ensuring integrity, safety, and resilience against cyber threats, bolstering trust in cloud infrastructure.

Endpoint Security

Endpoint security defends devices from malware, secures data, and enforces access controls, safeguarding networks and ensuring business continuity.

Email Security

Email security shields sensitive information, prevents unauthorized access, and thwarts phishing attempts, safeguarding communication channels and preserving organizational integrity.

Data Protection & Compliance

Data protection and compliance ensure regulatory adherence, mitigate breaches, uphold customer trust, and foster a culture of accountability and responsibility.

Managed Security

Our managed security services offer expertise, 24/7 monitoring, rapid incident response, and cost-effective solutions, bolstering defenses and mitigating cyber risks effectively.

Extended Detection & Response - XDR

Extended Protection and Response (XDR) consolidates security solutions, enhances threat detection, streamlines incident response, and fortifies defenses against sophisticated cyber threats.

Mobile Device Management

Mobile device management centralizes control, enforces security policies, facilitates device monitoring, and ensures data protection across mobile devices, enhancing productivity securely.

PCI DSS Approved Scanning

PCI DSS approved scanning ensures compliance, identifies vulnerabilities, strengthens cardholder data security, and fosters trust with customers, partners, and regulatory bodies.

Monitoring and Availability

Availability monitoring ensures uptime, detects anomalies promptly, prevents service disruptions, and maintains reliability, enabling seamless operations and optimal user experience.

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